Hire prices

Long Term/Regular Hirers
Large Room   :             £6 per hour
£12 per session
Small Room    :            £5 per hour
£10 per session

Others (including villagers running a business):
Large Room   :             £10 per hour
£20 per session
Small Room    :            £8 per hour
£16 per session

One Off Bookings must take the whole premises:
Per Session     :             £40

(all bookings include heating and the use of the kitchen)
[Session = morning, afternoon or evening]

For hall bookings please use the website online form at www.havenstreetcommunity.co.uk, or telephone Geoff Hattersley 01983 882155 Mob 07790318061

Prospective hirers should check the CENTRE DIARY before booking an event. Once booking has been confirmed, then payment for event can be made via Cash on the event day, or via BACS. Bank details:- Acct Name: HAVENSTREET COMMUNITY ASSOC. Lloyds Bank Acct No. 00477831 Sort Code 30-95-99.

Treasure:- Mrs Janet Shaw Email :- janet.shaw1@sky.com

Reg. Charity No. 294821


The Community Centre, The Old School House, Main Road, Havenstreet, Isle of Wight PO33 4DJ

See policies page for Safeguarding of Adults and Children